Thursday, September 4, 2008

All Because of God and Beth Moore!

Let me introduce the product of a Beth Moore study!! By that I mean, it was only because of the Kelly Minter blog study that I met this wonderful Italian woman of God. We became fast friends and it is just an amazing testimony to how God works in our lives in some pretty strange yet awesome ways. So, meet Maria Cristina Bruschi from London. If you're checkin' this out Cris, Ciao Caro Amico!!


Michelle said...

Sweet! I just wanted to thank you for coming over and commenting on my blog. I'm so glad that your kids like my music! I just put a mix of songs that speak to me, somehow. I do like some Superchick songs, and maybe someday I'll put them on, just if I find one that seems right for the blog.
I am praying about the hurricanes.
Finding a new friend through your bible study is awesome! Hope you can stay connected. Have a terrific day!
Meeting new people across the country is an awesome outcome of blogging! :-)

Just To Praise Him... said...
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Maria Cristina said...

arrggh i'm turning all different colors from the embarrassement!!! blussssh!!! whatever have I done to deserve your friendship? this is too awesome for words! :) thank you Lord!

Praying hard that you and family are safe and dry! Keeping glued to CNN's website!! Love you TONZ!!!!! THANK YOU FOR THIS COMMENT - I AM HUMBLED!!

Maria Cristina said...

P.S. totally random thought: I am getting older, and for my birthday I decided I want to change my hairdo. BIG being the operative word.
could you ask FL Sabrina how she manages to get her hair like that? it's way cool!!



Hey there!! Grab a cup of tea with me and let's talk about it... God is way too big to keep Him to ourselves and life is way too hard to hold it all in so pull up a seat, or sit on the floor, or just sprawl out anywhere.... I'm all ears....and so is your Daddy God....come on over and kick your shoes off...I'll leave the light on for you and have a hot cup of tea waiting...Nicole...

About Me

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South Carolina, United States
Jesus is everything to me!! Yep, that about sums it all up! I'd like to say my passion is praising Him till I drop but I guess that is not only my passion, it is my whole life!! Just to praise Him...I can't even brush my teeth without Him and don't want to! God has given me the most awesome privelege of raising three of the most challenging but amazing creatures I know...two girls, one boy. The biggest blessing of all is my absolute lover of my life on earth...the most handsome and wonderful man in the husband...I may not always please my God, but I sure hope He likes my trying to. I just pray that when I meet Him face to face not only will I be able to hear "well done my good and faithful servant" but also "she did all she could". Sit down and talk awhile with me. I'm just a messed up girl on her way, but I'm God's wonderful mess. Aren't we all?!! Now, let's praise Him like no one is lookin'! He's so worth it!!

My Praise
