Monday, October 6, 2008

A Mother's Love...

Ike(left) and Matthew(Buddies)

I know I haven't been to the blog in awhile but I have been at the hospital and on my knees for my Pastor's son. He is only five and my son's best friend and his name is Isaac or as his momma calls him, "Ike". He has been stuck, probed, and prodded for almost 3 days now and will be there for a little while longer. I have listened to him cry for his mommy as she has bravely held his little hand not allowing her feelings and emotions to show. I am not only proud of that little man, I am so proud of my friend. Today she even shed her blood for him as she allowed the nurse to stick her to show him that it didn't hurt so much. A true sacrifice of a loving momma who would do whatever she had to do for her child. Her blood spilled to the floor and even got on Pastor's shoes and all I could think about on the way home is how much of an example that was of Christ and His love for us. How He spilled His blood so we wouldn't have to hurt so much. He shared in our pain just like she shared in his. It truly was a beautiful thing and I think it made me love her more and respect her even more than that. Her birthday is tomorrow the 7th and will be celebrated at his bedside. She doesn't care. The only gift she says would mean anything would be for him to get better and it is the only gift she wants...Spoken like a true mother...I couldn't be more proud of her than I am right this minute. Please, pray for Ike. His kidney is swollen as large as an adult's, his urine is purple, and he struggles with fever all the while smiling and trying to play. They need your prayers and First Lady, if you ever do read this, please know that I am and will always be here, and you can rest assured that I will never ever leave your side for wild horses could not drag me away, and I will forever be your friend for you and your friendship have left lasting footprints on my heart and my life that can never be erased. I love you so much more than you could possibly know and I love that little man as if he were my very own...I really am so very very proud of you...hang in there my sweet and brave friend... :o)


Rachel said...

Yes! I can't imagine dealing with that.

Maria Cristina said...


love you,



Hey there!! Grab a cup of tea with me and let's talk about it... God is way too big to keep Him to ourselves and life is way too hard to hold it all in so pull up a seat, or sit on the floor, or just sprawl out anywhere.... I'm all ears....and so is your Daddy God....come on over and kick your shoes off...I'll leave the light on for you and have a hot cup of tea waiting...Nicole...

About Me

My photo
South Carolina, United States
Jesus is everything to me!! Yep, that about sums it all up! I'd like to say my passion is praising Him till I drop but I guess that is not only my passion, it is my whole life!! Just to praise Him...I can't even brush my teeth without Him and don't want to! God has given me the most awesome privelege of raising three of the most challenging but amazing creatures I know...two girls, one boy. The biggest blessing of all is my absolute lover of my life on earth...the most handsome and wonderful man in the husband...I may not always please my God, but I sure hope He likes my trying to. I just pray that when I meet Him face to face not only will I be able to hear "well done my good and faithful servant" but also "she did all she could". Sit down and talk awhile with me. I'm just a messed up girl on her way, but I'm God's wonderful mess. Aren't we all?!! Now, let's praise Him like no one is lookin'! He's so worth it!!

My Praise
